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American Sign Language 

Unit 5 


You have just given birth or adopted a beautiful baby girl. You notice that she isn't startled by loud noises, doesn't respond to sounds, music, or voices,  isn't soothed by soft tones, and doesn't move or wake up at the sound of voices or nearby noises when sleeping in a quiet room. You find this very unsettling that she is unable to hear. You take her to the doctor and they pronounce her Deaf. The doctors tell you "You need to help fix your baby's Deafness".  

You as a parent are now deciding whether or not you are going to implant your baby with a cochlear implant, provide her with hearing aids so she can "hear", or choose to keep her in the Deaf world   ​


Our Story


YOU DID IT!!!! You have learned MORE about cochlear implants and hearing aids.  You have also researched about the importance of Deaf culture and the perspectives of those who are Deaf. 

 I hope you have seen the different perspectives from both the hearing world and the Deaf world. For the rest of your assignment, please scroll down to Pre- Evaluation. 



Please click on AT LEAST 2 buttons for Cochlear Implant, 1 for Hearing Aids, 2 for Language Acquisition, & 2 for Deaf Culture. To see if any of the materials will sway your decision on YES or NO for a cochlear implant for your baby girl.  

Cochlear Implant
Hearing Aids
Language Acquisition
Deaf Culture
Getting There


Please come to class with your tentative decision on what you will do with your child concerning her hearing loss. You will need to have a google doc, or submit in Canvas, stating WHY you chose this for your baby on MAY 13th. 


Your assignment needs to state:

1. Whether you will give her a hearing aid, cochlear implant or wait till she's 18 to let her decide. (Can't be anything else)

2. You need to have at least 2-3 reasoning's from the sources I have provided for you to back up your reasoning (state the sources)

3. Back up your reasoning with comments and thoughts from those who talked to you about their Cochlear Implants & Hearing Aids in the Powtoon. 



 This does not have to be your final decision. Your response has to include ALL of the following above for full credit. 

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